Public Methods

You can manipulate flash message with several methods

Display Methods

Every display message method will return the id of the message instance. You can pass the data object to configure a message instance as first argument and callbacks object as second argument.

// Basic usage{
    status: 'error',
    title: 'Error Message Title',
    message: 'Oh, you broke my heart! Shame on you!'

You also can use shorthands without status property

	title: 'Error Message Title',
	message: 'Oh, you broke my heart! Shame on you!'
	title: 'Warning Message Title',
	message: "Don't stop me nooooow....!"
	title: 'Info Message Title',
	message: 'Just want you to know, that Vue is so cool'
	title: 'Success Message Title',
	message: 'Hoorah, it is my fist npm package and it works!'

Delete Method

You can delete message programmatically using deleteMessage method

let id ={
	title: 'Hey, man. Time for beer!',
	message: 'It is Friday. Time to have a little party.'

Switch strategy method

You can update default strategy using setStrategy method.

/* Will return {Boolean} as result */
this.flashMessage.setStrategy('multiple'); // strategy changed to multiple

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